When preparing your home for public consumption; clear out as much clutter as possible to stage your home to be as visually appealing as possible. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Northville and Novi neighborhoods and we know you need to be prepared to have your home professionally photographed. Then your buyer’s broker will draw up a formal offer for you and your broker to review. If you accepted the offer, a cash deposit (typically 10% of agreed upon price), also known as “earnest money,” will be put in escrow as a show of good faith. Once you have an accepted offer in hand, your attorney will step in and prepare the contract for delivery to the buyer’s attorney. The Buyer and their attorney will perform their due diligence (reviewing building financials, relevant documents, inspections, etc.) Generally speaking, it takes about 7-10 business days to go from accepted offer to signed contract. Check out below to see what sold in Lakes of Northville in July 2023:
42280 Bradner Road, Northville: 4 bedrooms, 2.1 bathrooms, 2,902 sq. feet, 2 car garage, Sold Price: $600,000

Lakes of Northville Home Sold
July 2023
For more information on Lakes of Northville, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.