The Fair Market Value is the amount your house is worth based on the current status of the real estate market in your area and the features of your home. Your real estate agent finds the fair market value of your single-family home by running a comparative market analysis of all of the homes sold in your neighborhood in the past 2-3 months. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Northville and Novi neighborhoods and we know that these homes will have similar features to your house, i.e., square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and amenities. Your real estate agent will analyze these homes and then generate a price range for your area. Then, based specifically on the age of your single-family home, its square footage, layout, renovations and upgrades you’ve made, and number of bedrooms and bathrooms, your real estate agent comes up with the fair market value for your home. Check out below to see what sold in Country Club Village in November 2022:
39756 Muirfield Lane, Northville: 3 bedrooms, 2.1 bathrooms, 2,286 sq. feet, 2 car garage, Sold Price: $340,000
Country Club Village Home Sold
October 2022
Based on what they estimate your home’s worth, your agent will then come up with a list price. The price will most likely be at or below the fair market value for your house. This is to price the home competitively to get the most buyer attention possible without pricing your single-family home too low so that you lose money. For more information on Country Club Village, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Hickory Creek, Lairdhaven and Blue Heron Pointe, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or