To understand how agents can qualify as top producers, it’s helpful to know how they get paid. In a typical transaction, the listing agent will charge their seller a commission that amounts to 6% of the property’s sale price. That commission usually gets split 50/50 with the buyer’s agent. In effect, each agent takes home a cut of about 3%, though an additional portion will go toward paying brokerage fees. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Northville and Novi neighborhoods and we know that within this commission structure that depends on deals closing, agents have a few main avenues to become a top producer. They can either sell more homes than their peers, sell more expensive homes than their peers — or both. An agent can work with both buyers and sellers and be a top producer. However, as agents gain experience, they tend to “graduate” into taking on more listings than buyer clients. Check out below to see what sold in Woodlands of Northville in August 2021:
17730 Stonebrook Court, Northville: 4 bedrooms, 4.2 bathrooms, 4,443 sq. feet, 3 car garage, Sold Price: $975,000

Woodlands of Northville Home Sold
August 2021
Choosing a top producer can lead to top results — but the key is to find someone who’s not only outperforming in their market, but also has a proven track record of success in similar sales. Neighborhood expertise and a down-to-earth demeanor may not be what agents are technically ranked on, but qualities that go beyond an agent’s flashy sales numbers will matter when you’re in the thick of it and need someone you can trust. For more information on Woodlands of Northville, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Autumn Park, Beckenham and Ravines of Northville, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or