When you decide to sell your house, don’t just settle for the first agent you come across. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Novi and Northville neighborhoods and we have seen that a lot of sellers might think that all real estate agents are created equal and they’re absolutely not. You want the right one for you and your beautiful property. One red flag is if the agent doesn’t know much about your neighborhood, although this will depend on where you live — in some areas, there are huge variances in price from neighborhood to neighborhood. In other areas, it might not make as much of a difference. Another one is that the agent only does real estate part-time. You want a full-time professional who has their finger on the pulse of the real estate market and knows all the ups, downs, and intricate details of it. Check out below to see what home has just been listed in Dunbarton Pines in August 2021:
22409 Plaiance Blvd., Novi: 4 bedrooms, 2.1 bathrooms, 2,608 sq. feet, 2 car garage, Listed Price: $400,000

Dunbarton Pines Just Listed
August 2021
For more information on Dunbarton Pines, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Roma Ridge, Turtle Creek and Maple Hill, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.