Downsizing your home comes with all the same regular challenges as moving in general and most people are also juggling the sale of their existing home at the same time. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Northville and Novi neighborhoods and we know that unless you’re prepared to juggle two mortgages, you’ll want to try and close on the sale of your existing home before you buy a new one. If there will be a gap in between, be sure to have temporary housing lined up for the interim. Try to get no at least three moving estimates after you’ve already pared down your stuff. The less you have, the less time it will take for your movers to haul it all… and that saves you money. Check out below to see what sold in Hickory Creek in August 2020:
47801 Lakeview Court, Northville: 4 bedrooms, 3.1 bathrooms, 2,559 sq. feet, 2 car garage, Sold Price: $455,000

Hickory Creek Home Sold
August 2020
If you’ve done all the work to reduce your possessions to a level proportionate to your new house, then you’ll be able to unpack, decorate, and arrange what remains without any trouble. For more information on Hickory Creek, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Country Club Village, Lairdhaven and Blue Heron Pointe, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or