A tankless water heater might cost more than a storage water heater or a heat pump, but it’s more energy efficient in the long run, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Northville and Novi neighborhoods and we have seen buyers view it as a perk in areas where water bills are high. It will make the house more desirable over another house in the same price range. This is because it heats water only as it is needed. A conventional storage water heater has a reservoir of 20-80 gallons of hot water that’s supposed to be heated constantly, but the water always cools if it’s not used — no matter how well the tank is insulated. Check out below to see what sold in Lakes of Northville in July 2020:
42486 Pon Meadow Drive, Northville: 4 bedrooms, 3.1 bathrooms, 2,770 sq. feet, 2 car garage, Sold Price: $410,000

Lakes of Northville Home Sold
July 2020
41933 Pon Meadow Drive, Northville: 4 bedrooms, 3.1 bathrooms, 2,770 sq. feet, 2 car garage, Sold Price: $440,000

Lakes of Northville Home Sold
July 2020
42404 W. Waterwheel Court, Northville: 4 bedrooms, 3.1 bathrooms, 2,267 sq. feet, 2.5 car garage, Sold Price: $465,000

Lakes of Northville Home Sold
July 2020
More than 27 million households have a water that’s older than a decade — a testament to the longevity of this essential home fixture. For more information on Lakes of Northville, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Briarwood, Northville Colony Estates and Orchard Ridge Estates, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.