If your home has a sump pump in your basement, you should test it twice a year. Sump pumps typically last about 10 years, and with proper maintenance, could work even longer. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Westland, Novi and Northville neighborhoods and we know that the water level of the pump should be checked: if it’s overflowing, it’s probably not doing its job properly. Take time to clean the pump of any debris surrounding it, making sure it can do its job efficiently. Unplug and plug in your sump pump, is its energy source working properly? Catching any issues with your sump pump early can save you thousands down the line when it comes to water damage and flooding. Check out below to see what’s just listed for sale in Westland Birch Hills Golf Sub in August 2020:
32430 Fernwood Street, Westland: 3 bedrooms, 1.1 bathrooms, 1,080 sq. feet, 1 car garage, Listed Price: $150,000

Westland Birch Hills Golf Sub Home Just Listed
August 2020
Also, gutter maintenance should take place at least twice a year, or as the seasons change. Gutters can overflow with debris and can lead to much more costly water damage. Check and clean your gutters every spring and fall, clearing away any muck, sealing any leaks, and replacing damaged gutters as needed. For more information on Westland Birch Hills Golf Sub, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Village Oaks, Simmons Orchard or Meadowbrook Farms, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.