There are a lot of myths and misconceptions today about what’s really required for a down payment on a house. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Novi and Northville neighborhoods and we know that the notion of 20% down is not a uniform requirement across the board, nor is it even the right choice for everyone. Of course, when you’re buying a home, you’ll want to get educated and strategic about down payments. You want to make sure you don’t put down too low a down payment because you could end up overextending yourself on your monthly mortgage payment. At the same time, you don’t want to face the task of saving indefinitely for such a daunting down payment that it prices you out of the housing market entirely. Check out below to see what is currently listed for sale in Chase Farms in June 2020:
43115 Westchester Court, Novi: 4 bedrooms, 3.1 bathrooms, 3,437 sq. feet, 3 car garage, Sold Price: $600,000

Chase Farms Home Just Listed
June 2020
Based on some recent changes in the mortgage industry driven by the coronavirus pandemic, we guess that many buyers in 2020 may have to bring bigger down payments to the table than buyers in 2019. For more information on Chase Farms, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Cascades of Northville, Bradford of Novi and Kirkway Estates, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or