Owning a home means you can build equity and take advantage of tax deductions. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Northville and Novi neighborhoods but we know there’s also a considerably large pool of renters in the country who have plenty of reasons for not buying. And some of those explanations are totally legit such as; financial, economic, or personal limitations which can prove that now is not the right time to buy. The first step once you decide to buy is to find a reputable lender. This can help you set your goals and put you on the path to homeownership. You might find out you don’t need as much money as you think you do. Or, your financial snapshot will qualify for loans that don’t require a large down payment. But you’ll never know unless you reach out to a lender. Check out below to see what sold in Stonewater in August 2019:
Northville: 4 bedrooms, 3.2 bathrooms, 4,234 sq. feet, 3 car garage, Sold Price: $925,100

Stonewater Home Sold
August 2019
For others, it makes sense to wait and save for a down payment, future mortgage payments, or home repairs. But as home prices edge higher, so do rent costs. That’s why buying might be a better decision than renting. For more information on Stonewater, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Woods of Edenderry, Maybury Park Estates and Fox Hollow, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.