When you find an area that you would like to live in, start looking at the neighborhoods in this area, and begin to dig into the characteristics of each neighborhood. Do your research on Google, as well as on Instagram, which will give you a great, boots-on-ground perspective of day-to-day life in those neighborhoods. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Northville and Novi neighborhoods, and we know that next you need to check out the type of people that live there? What local businesses serve the area? What activities are available? Is it more outdoorsy, suburban, or focused on nightlife? And, most importantly, what qualities line up with the home of your dreams? Check out below to see what home is currently listed for sale in Maybury Park Estates in November 2024:
21421 Equestrian Trail, Northville: 5 bedrooms, 4.2 bathrooms, 4,450 sq. feet, 4 car garage, Listed Price: $1,799,000
Maybury Park Estates Home Listed for Sale
November 2024
Knowing the neighborhoods to focus on — and cutting out the ones that don’t interest you — can help you get one step closer to finding your perfect home. For more information on Maybury Park Estates, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.