Avoid financial stress when shopping around for a loan by asking the right questions. If you know exactly what your needs are, you can find the right loan for you. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Northville and Novi neighborhoods and we know there are certain approaches that you can take while mortgage shopping that can cost or save you money. The better qualifications you have, the lower your interest rate will be. Before speaking with a lender, know what monthly dollar amount you feel comfortable committing to. Then when you discuss mortgage pre-approval with your lender, it is easier for you to determine the monthly amount and what value of home the monthly amount translates into. Check out below to see what sold last month in Hills of Crestwood in May 2017:
17175 Tall Pines Court, Northville: 4 bedrooms, 3.1 bathrooms, 3,454 sq. feet, 3 car garage, Sold Price: $607,000
Hills of Crestwood Home Sold
May 2017
Be sure not to put yourself in the position where you will be paying more each month than you intended simply because the dream home requires it. Do your research on the types of mortgages available to you and find the one that best suits your needs. For more information on Hills of Crestwood, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Kirkway Estates, Bella Terra and Chase Farms, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.