The best seller is one who is highly motivated. A highly motivated seller is more likely to sell at a price that is less than his or her house is actually worth. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Novi and Northville neighborhoods and we know that it matters that you find out why. Learning the reason why can help you get the price you want and help the seller get what they want: a timely sale. When given the opportunity to meet with sellers, ask them why they are selling. The reason could be anything, such as a job change to a new location or financial problems. If you can solve their problem, whether it is cash related or time related, do so. Check out below to see what sold in Country Place in April 2023:
42140 Pellston Drive, Novi: 2 bedrooms, 2.1 bathrooms, 1,120 sq. feet, 1 car garage, Sold Price: $230,000

Country Place Home Sold
April 2023
If the sellers are highly motivated because they need to move quickly, give them a fast sale – and a lower price. If you can make an offer, even a low one, that gives them cash in a short time, they are more likely to accept. For more information on Country Place, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or