What determines a bedroom in a house? The best way is by taking a look through building codes for each state. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Novi and Northville neighborhoods and we know it means that, while one city or county may only require that a bedroom have a window and a closet, another county in the same state may regulate bedrooms by square footage, or even distance to the nearest bathroom. Find the local zoning laws that apply to your house by doing an easy internet search using the keyword zoning, plus your county and/or town name. Then it’s just a matter of searching through all the zoning laws for the ones that apply to bedrooms. Check out below to see what sold in Dunbarton Pines in April 2021:
44835 Roundview Drive, Novi: 4 bedrooms, 2.1 bathrooms, 2,401 sq. feet, 2 car garage, Sold Price: $413,500
Dunbarton Pines Home Sold
April 2021
You can also ask your real estate agent whether or not a particular room qualifies as a bedroom. They might already know, and if they’re not sure, they can tell you who to contact to get the right information in your area. For more information on Dunbarton Pines, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Roma Ridge, Turtle Creek and Maple Hill, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.