When preparing to sell your house, don’t spend so much time on the rooms in your home that you forget all about the closets. It isn’t just curiosity that drives buyers to look behind closed doors, there’s also a more practical reason. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Novi and Northville neighborhoods and we know that some buyers open closets to see what kind of space they’ll have if they decide to buy the house. Before you clean out your closets entirely, consider keeping some of your stuff and storing it in stacked boxes away from the door. This is actually better than leaving closets empty as it gives buyers an idea of the storage space they’ll have. Check out below to see what is currently listed for sale in Crosswinds West in September 2020:
22270 Pondview, Novi: 2 bedrooms, 1.1 bathrooms, 1,100 sq. feet, Listed Price: $169,900

Crosswinds West Home Listed For Sale
September 2020
Some sellers even go as far as leaving nice shirts on hangers or stuffing brand-name shopping bags with tissue paper on shelves. Whatever you choose to do, just be sure closets aren’t cluttered but organized. For more information on Crosswinds Wests, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Lakewoode Parkhomes, Country Place and Highland Lakes, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.