When you are in the process of moving, think about donating canned or unopened food to your local food bank. This leaves one less thing for you to pack and it also supports your community. When thinking about a meal plan during your move, use foods that are still left in your fridge and freezer. You will be glad you did this after a long stressful day of moving. Check out below to see this beautiful home currently for sale in Stonewater in December 2019:
48341 Four Seasons Blvd., Northville: 6 bedrooms, 5.1 bathrooms, 4,850 sq. feet, 3 car garage, Sold Price: $1,500,000

Stonewater Home For Sale
December 2019
A successful move is all in the details – but, with a plan in place you won’t forget the small stuff. Keep calm and call a professional to make your next move. For more information on Stonewater, or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Fox Hollow, Maybury Park Estates and Northville Hills Golf Club, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.