Whatever the price is that you paid for your home, know that the market values fluctuate—both up and down. The DiMora Team are real estate experts in the Novi and Northville neighborhoods and we know that this can work for you or against you. All that matters on the open market is what buyers are willing to pay now. The best way to determine your home’s sales price is by comparing the prices of similarly sized homes in your neighborhood. For example, if a house near yours has the same square footage and numbers of bedrooms and bathrooms, and is in similar condition, sold for $230,000 within the past three months, you can bet your own price will be in that ballpark. Check out below to see what sold in Yorkshire Place in June 2019:
45584 Freemont, Novi: 4 bedrooms, 2.1 bathrooms, 2,668 sq. feet, 2 car garage, Sold Price: $417,000

Yorkshire Place Home Sold
June 2019
When your Realtor gives you the price to sell your house for, ask them how they came up with the amount, and look into the comps in your area yourself so you won’t feel like you’re just having to blindly trust your Realtor. For more information on Yorkshire Place or similar Northville or Novi neighborhoods such as Deerbrook, Greenwood Oaks and Liberty Park, contact The DiMora Team today at 248-505-7728 or jim@dimora.com.