If you are looking to buy or sell in Northville or Novi, look no further. The DiMora Team has an extensive background in these neighborhoods and our experience in these areas will ensure you the best service and outcome you expect. Selling your home is a complex transaction that takes time, effort and expertise. That’s why it’s so important you choose the right agent for this job. See below for what has sold in Highland Lakes in March 2014:
19482 Inlet Court, Northville: 3 bedrooms, 1.1 bathrooms, 1,422 sq. feet, Sold Price: $101,000
The DiMora Team will ensure that you are well informed, well served, and end up with purchase or sale that you were hoping for. For a detailed market analysis of your home contact us today at 248-505-7728 or info@dimora.com and we’ll be sure to get all of your questions answered.